Sunday, October 24, 2010

I really need to get this done...SQUIRREL!

So this weekend a close family friend came to visit, he and I had a thing and in all honesty I don't know if everything is totally normal yet between us. I mean its not awkward or anything, it just feels different. Which I guess was to be expected. I loved spending time with someone but every time I tried to think about him in that light again it just didn't feel right and my thoughts were immediately pulled toward someone else. It was and still is a confusing feeling. I'm just gonna go ahead and dismiss all feelings toward anyone for now. Feelings complicate things too much and I don't have time for complications.
On a happier note I'm going to the temple this week. I love the temple, and I'm so excited to go. Heaven knows I need all the help I can get.
School this week will be stressful, I have many a test to study for and a speech to give. And then work every day...not too excited about work. I kinda hate my job...alot. I'm so sick of working with kids, I feel like I've already raised children up to the age of ten. Maybe I'll just adopt a ten year old after I get married. Probably not though....wishful thinking.
My birthday was this past week, I'm officially 20! Weird. So weird. But it was a fabulous day! School, then lunch and shopping with my awesome mom, then dinner with the family. My 15 year old sister made me a slide show that totally made me bawl like a baby. It was a really good day. Definitely one of the best birthdays I've ever had.
I'm trying to write a fluid, coherent blog but right now my thoughts are so scattered I'm not sure its working out too well. Half my mind is still focused on the first paragraph I wrote, while I'm obsessing about the math homework that I've yet to finish, all the while I just wanna go to bed, but it's only 6:15pm and I know if I go to bed now I'm bound to be up by 3am...not what I want. Then again maybe I'll be more ambitious about doing my math homework and studying at 3am...never tried it before.
ANYWAYS I'm gonna go obsess about all the crap going on this week and hopefully somewhere in there I'll get something figured out or done. Not likely though.
Yours as always,
Miss Average

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