Friday, March 26, 2010

Just as I said.

Today is another average sort of day; get up, take shower, make bed, say prayers, eat breakfast. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though today is my littlest sisters birthday party; she's turned nine. Why is it that every year we get older things get harder? Why is eleven easier than twelve? Why is nineteen so much harder than eighteen? I don't have an answer or a poetic, clever response; I'm merely putting the question out there. But just as I said today is my sister's birthday party; my oldest sister and husband are coming up from Golden to celebrate with their adorable baby in tow. I'm excited to see them, babies make any average day much more thrilling.
No much else is happening, still missing Elder Ohio and still trying to become my best me. So far I'm failing miserably, I'm just lonely inside and out, trying to keep up a contented appearance. My senior english teacher always said she wanted to write a book entitled, "My life sucks, how's yours?" That pretty much pin-points how I feel today. My life sucks, how's yours?

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